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DNS Terms of Service

Domain Name (DNS) terms of Service

Domain Name Registration (DNS) & Renewal
All Domains are the property of the Registrant (Client). All domains registered by ABD will be in the Client’s name. ABD does not own or have any desire to own client domains. It is the clients financial responsibility to keep all domains current and active. ABD will notify client of expiration dates and DNS renewal rates for domains placed in ABD’s care. It is the clients financial responsibility to compensate ABD for DNS Renewal charges  prior to expiration and with enough lead time to renew the expiring domain(s). DNS registrations paid via credit card by clients are subject to an up charge sufficient to compensate for credit card processing fees so ABD does not bear burden for client DNS registrations.

ABD Does not up charge for DNS renewal or initial DNS registration fees due to the nature of the registration and laws governing ownership. Domain Name Registrations are., in simplified terms similar to a company’s DBA and are essentially exclusive licensing to operate via the web utilizing an assigned web address. That registration is purchased in annual blocks and failure to renew past the industry standard grace period could render a website inoperable. ABD does periodically assess an administrative fee at the rate of $25.00 per hour to renew numerous domains for the same client annually to cover time invested.  Domains must be renewed individually (think of them once again as individual licenses).

DNS Management Delegation
Clients may choose to delegate DNS management and renewal to ABD and ABD will ensure that client domains remain active and operational.  Annually billed hosting clients will also be charged for DNS renewals that are set to expire during the hosting year to minimize invoicing. Clients may choose to be billed separately for dns renewal, which will be presented 30 days prior to expiration of the domains managed.

DNS Transfer (Change) of Ownership
Clients wishing to transfer ownership of their registrant status to another party must do so in writing to ABD. Electronic requests are acceptable, so long as the email request originated from the registrant email on file. To be transferred, DNS records must be in good standing: Active, have at least 30 calendar days remaining before the DNS expiration, and balance of no more than zero US Dollars on client’s account.  ABD does not transfer balances owed by or credits to from one party to another. This service is free unless multiple domains are affected and a significant amount of time is required to perform this request.

DNS Change of Registrant: Transfer-In
Clients wishing to transfer ownership of their registrant status to ABD need only to provide valid registrant information. Electronic requests are acceptable, so long as the email request originated from the registrant email to be on file. The email must be something other than one serviced by the domain being transferred.

To be transferred, DNS records must be in good standing, or the transfer may be delayed by client’s current registrar. ABD is not responsible for delays, dns registration lapses or site downtime due to the dns transfer process of a domain’s current registrar. The Client is financially responsible for any additional Registrar fees and/or time incurred by ABD to reactivate and transfer a domain. Clients will provide user/customer names & passwords to ABD for login purposes so ABD may facilitate the domain transfer more quickly based on experience; or may choose to perform the transfer authorization & final approval themselves.

DNS Change of Registrant: Transfer-Out
Clients wishing to transfer ownership of their registrant status to another registrar must do so in writing to ABD. Electronic requests are acceptable, so long as the email request originated from the registrant email on file. To be transferred, DNS records must be in good standing: Active, have at least 30 calendar days remaining before the DNS expiration, and no outstanding balances on client’s account.  ABD will not authorize transfer of Domains with balances more than zero US Dollars (see Pricing: Additional Fees/services).

DNS Records Protection:
ABD neither discussed, publishes, nor otherwise divulges details of DNS records with anyone other than the Client & Client’s authorized agents on file with ABD, ABD authorized agents, and law enforcement agents with proper authorization and authority (warrants, writs or court orders) for any reason.  Some specific details of DNS registration is public due to the laws governing disclosure and listing of DNS registrations themselves and ABD does not in any way guarantee this public information is protected, just that ABD will not discuss, publish nor otherwise divulge unnecessarily or without proper cause or authorization from Client.

Clients wishing to have their information restricted or kept completely private may purchase an additional privacy restriction from ABD – this does not exempt a registrant from providing the registrar with honest, truthful and complete registrant information. Lawful, documented inquiries by law enforcement agencies will still be honored to aid in their enforcement activities of all laws of the United States of America.

DNS Suspension, Revocation & Reinstatement to Active Status due to Illegal Activities:
Illegal activities by registrants will be reported to Law Enforcement Agencies and the offending domain’s active status revoked, all websites, emails and user accounts deactivated immediately. No reinstatement will occur until ABD receives written proof that no illegal activity is, was or will be occurring. No refunds, discounts or credits will be given to clients for any reason regarding deactivation periods or reinstatement fees regardless of the outcome of the Law Enforcement’s findings.